Volume 1 Number 1 March 2015
The Launch of the English-language Journal, Studies in Chinese Religions/Xinping Zhuo
Research Articles
What is in a Name? The Possibility of Identifying the Monk Damo as the Mentor of the First Known Self-Claimed Reincarnation of Maitreya in Medieval China/Jinhua Chen
Mysticism in the Confucian Tradition/Lai Chen
On the origions of the Great Fuxian Monastery in Luoyang/Antonino Forte
Rethinking the Category of Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha/Koichi Shinohara
Christian Implication and Non-Christian Translation: A Case Study of The Merchant of Venice in the Chinese Context/Huilin Yang
Western and Chinese Philosophical and Religious Thought in the twentieth Century/Xinping Zhuo
Books Reviews
The body incantatory:Spells and the ritual imagination in medieval Chinese Buddhism, by Paul Copp/Youn-mi kim
Spells, images, and mandalas: Tracing the evolution of Esoteric Buddhist rituals, by Koichi Shinohara/Zhaohua Yang
Volume 1 Number 2 June 2015
Research Articles
Vinaya and the Chan School: Hinayana precepts and bodhisattva precepts, Buddhism in the city and Buddhism in the mountains, religion and the state \ Atsushi lbuki
‘Her Infuence Great, Her Merit beyond Measure’: A translation and initial investigation of the epitaph of Shangguan Wan'er \ Norman Harry Rothschild
The basic mode of the lay-Samgha relationship in Indian Buddhism, its representations in and repercussions for Chinese Buddhism \ Kai Sheng
The Sutra of the Five Lords: Manuscript and oral tradition \ Barend J. ter Haar
Book Reviews
Practicing Scripture:A Lay Buddhist Movement in Late Imperial China,
by Barend J.ter Haar
James A.Benn
Conceiving the Indian Buddhist Patriarchs in China, by Stuart H. Young \ Elizabeth Morrison
Volume 1 Number 3 September 2015
Research Articles
Sima Guang 司馬光and Ennin 圓仁on reports of imperial cannibalism: A correction\T.H.Barrett
The Benji jing and the Anle jing: Reflections on two Daoist and Christian manuscripts from Turfan and Dunhuang \ Huaiyu Chen
Vinaya works translated by Yijing and their circulation: Manuscripts excavated at Dunhuang and Central Asia \Ming Chen
Confucian education in a Buddhist environment: Medieval manuscripts and imprints of the Mengqiu \ Imre Galambos
Book Review
Demonic Warfare: Daoism, Territorial Networks, and the History of a Ming Novel, by Mark R. E. Meulenbeld \ Richard Von Glahn
Volume1 Number 4 December 2015
Research Articles
The herb calamus and the transcendent Han Zhong in Taoist literature \ Stephen R.Bokenkamp
Dissemination and aggregation:Some reflections on the transformation processes affecting folk belief in China \ Ze Jin
Themed Studies: The Roles of Temples and Shrines in Medieval China
Abstinence halls(zhaitang 齋堂)in lay households in early medieval China \ Robert Ford Campany
The multiple roles of the twin Chanding Monasteries in Sui-Tang Chang'an \ Jinhua Chen
Connoisseurship in the monastery: Discerning a distinctive identity for Jin elites in sacred precincts \ Jesse D. Sloane
Imagined reality: Urban space and Sui-Tang beliefs in the underworld \ Yinggang Sun